Thoughtful giving with freedom in mind

What is Esther Fund?

Similar to a donor-advised fund, Esther Fund is a giving vehicle established at a 501(c)(4) social welfare nonprofit organization that allows contributors to make contributions, and recommend distributions from the fund through an online portal. Esther Fund works to create a layer of protection that allows contributors to maintain their privacy while still giving to causes they care about.


A contributor makes a contribution directly to Esther Fund online. Like a donor-advised fund, Esther Fund retains full control until funds are distributed.


Esther Fund distributes funds to social welfare organizations recommended by contributors.


Social welfare organizations pursue meaningful change & contributors maintain privacy.


why give via
esther fund?

As a contributor, you have the right to recommend which social welfare organizations receive your contributions.

You will not incur capital gains tax on contributions of appreciated assets, and assets in the Esther Fund appreciate tax-free (to the extent invested) so more of your money goes directly towards causes you care about.

Esther Fund allows you to protect your legacy. Social welfare organizations are often required to disclose a portion of their contributors publicly, but gifts to other 501(c)(4) organizations from Esther Fund are disclosed as “Esther Fund,” allowing individuals to maintain anonymity.

501(c)(4) Organizations

why work with
esther fund?

Contributors can recommend how their contributions are dispersed quickly in our online portal or they can choose an organization-specific fund.

Unlike some funds, Esther Fund doesn’t aim to stockpile or charge crazy fees. We aim to distribute funds quickly and securely so you can continue to pursue your cause.

Esther Fund allows donors to retain privacy, encouraging donors to give without fear of being “canceled”.  In cases where you are required to disclose a contributor, you would disclose Esther Fund rather than the name of the individual.

Esther Fund allows organizations to create an organization-specific fund, where you can encourage people to give to your organization directly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

what do 501(c)(4)
organizations do?

Like 501(c)(3) organizations, social welfare organizations (also known as 501(c)(4)s) can help educate voters on specific issues. Unlike a public charity, 501(c)(4) organizations can also engage in lobbying for a specific cause.

501(c)(4)s can pay for independent expenditures, which advocate for the election of a specific candidate. An example of this would be a social welfare organization paying for a political television ad supporting a particular candidate. These organizations can also encourage voter registration or voter turnout aimed at supporting a particular party or candidate.

501(c)(4)s can also express their support or disapproval of political candidates. Certain states allow 501(c)(4)s to directly contribute to state or local candidates as well.

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